19 Aug 2011

Sc/Top 5 Deadliest Plants

Unlike humans and animals plants can't move and therefore have no means of escaping from predators nor are they capable of defending themselves through fighting back. Therefore it shouldn't be unusual to say that some plants have a "plan B" used to defend themselves. Some persons may wonder how its possible for them to defend themselves when they lack mobility. Well it is possible; some plants contain what are today known as toxins, which make up part of their defense system. It is because of these toxins why some species are still around today and gives them the title of being the most dangerous plants in the world. Here I'll be sharing with you some of these plants, 5 to be exact. These are the most dangerous plants one will ever come across.

1.Angel's Trumpet
The very name of this plant gives the impression that it is the end of the world, because only on judgment day will you ever get a chance to hear an angels trumpet. Despite the given name above it is also called stink weed, jipson weed, loco weed and the devil's snare. It is said to be an hallucinogen and must not be used for consumption as it can cause fatality. The angel's trumpet is also in the same group as tomatoes and potatoes. One should also avoid using this plant for recreational purposes, because many of the reported cases of fatality were because they were used for recreational purposes.

 2.Bushman's Poison
Bushman's poison also referred to as wintersweet can both be used as a medicine and a poison. It has numerous beautiful flowers and has a pleasant scent; however the milky sap contains poison strong enough to cause fatality. They are used by some Africans to poison their arrows.

3.English Yew
Being one of the most dangerous plants on the planet, it can cause definite fatality. All parts of this plant are very poisonous and can result in paralysis or seizures. It can work as a cardiac depressant, and an antidote is still yet to be developed for this poison.

The name would definitely give anyone an impression it is dangerous. This plant is very dangerous for cattle's and sheep. When consumed by these livestock, their bones and milk become soaked in the toxin. If they manage to reach the market and are, by chance, consumed by humans, it can cause a milk sickness known as tremetol poisoning.

This plant has very attractive foliage and can give anyone the impression that they are not dangerous. But the fact about these plants still remain, they are said to be very toxic. If consumed it can cause nausea and vomiting, this later results in internal bleeding and finally death.


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