22 Aug 2011

Singer/Cosworth Custom Porsche 911

A few months ago, we showed you the magnificent Singer 911 that brought the classic designs of the Porsche 911 and combined them with a modern chassis and drivetrain. This combination produced a car that bridged the best of both worlds in one very, very unique package. Well, it turns out that there’s more where that came from.
Now the Singer Vehicle Design, in joint collaboration with Cosworth and Aria, has launched the customized Porsche 911, which comes with several changes from engine to the other automotive features. Renowned British engineering firm Cosworth, the same that has powered Formula One cars since 1963, will now be preparing the air-cooled flat-six engines for Singer. Meanwhile, the carbon-fiber bodies will be made by the Aria Group, a company best known for crafting concept cars and prototypes for a wide array of automakers.
The Singer 911 starts off as a 964 second generation 911, which the firm says has a perfect blend of vintage 911 character and technical sophistication. The 964 is then given a custom carbon fiber body that pays tribute to the classic 911 from the 1960s and 1970s.
Staying loyal to the original 911, Singer uses air-cooled flat-six engines for their 911. They’ve already delivered three examples of the car, but from now on each car will be getting one of the three powertrians Coswroth will prepare for it. Thanks to this partnership, SVD is able to offer three different air-cooled engines:
  • Touring –  3.6-liter with 300 hp (224 kW / 304 PS)
  • Sport –  3.9-liter with 380 hp (283 kW / 385 PS)
  • Cup – 3.9- or 4.0-liter with more than 425 hp (317 kW / 431 PS)
If you are tempted to buy one of this beautiful machines,be aware the prices for a Singer 911 ranges between $190,000 to more than $300,000, depending on a comprehensive selection of equipment which allows each customer to design a machine to their own specific tastes.  With such an exorbitant price, it is surely not for the commoners. [Singer Vehicle Design]


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