21 Aug 2011

Understanding Diseases/ Osteoarthritis, its symptoms & treatment

Osteoarthritis, sometimes referred to as known as degenerative arthritis, is a form of arthritis that affects heavy weight bearing joints such as the knees and hips. It is caused by the breakdown and loss of cartilage within the joints. We need cartilage in our joints to help cushion the bones. known as degenerative arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a naturally occurring condition which commonly occurs the more we age. Of all the types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most common.
Osteoarthritis, or OA as its is sometimes known as, mostly affects the hands, feet, spine, and other large weight bearing joints, such as the hips and knees. There are two types of osteoarthritis, primary and secondary. Primary OA is when there is no known cause, in most cases being put down to age. Secondary OA is when the cause of the condition has been identified, usually relating to another disease or condition such as obesity or diabetes.
diagrammatic presentation of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis Symptoms
Unlike other types of arthritis, the only prominent symptom of OA is pain. There can often be swelling and stiffness caused by movement and in more severe cases can be present even with minimal amounts of movement. The condition can also cause bones to develop and enlarge within the hands, causing what's known as a Heberden's node to form at the end of the fingers. Other nodes, such as Bouchard's node, can also develop in the middle joints of the fingers
Osteoarthritis Treatment
There is a wide range of osteoarthritis treatment available which help counter act the symptoms of OA, that range from exercise, to pain relief drugs and new innovative treatments.
The easiest method of treatment is exercise and lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime can dramatically lower the chances of developing osteoarthritis. Exercise helps improve and develop muscle around the joints which help add support to the bone joints. Popular exercises include swimming, cycling and walking.
Mild sufferers of OA may find that pain killers such as aspirin and Tylenol are sufficient enough treatments to help relieve the pain.
New treatments of osteoarthritis include the anti-inflammatory lotion, Voltaren Gel and the Flector Patch which are being used as treatments for pain relief.
Sometimes your doctor may suggest surgery if they feel it will help. If surgery is not a compatible option they may refer the patient for hyaluronic acid injections. These can be extremely effective in their treatment of Osteoarthritis.
The Future of Osteoarthritis
There has been a great advance in arthritic treatments in the past decade and this doesn't seem set to stop. Osteoarthritis is an extremely common condition and scientists are always on the lookout for more innovative and successful treatments to help battle, prevent and cure the condition. Recently researchers have found that doxycycline, a tetracycline drug, has been shown to slow the progression of cartilage degeneration in the knees of patients with OA. More studies are needed to determine the importance of this discovery, but this is can be viewed as an exciting advancement and a step in the right direction.


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