15 Sept 2011

Olivia Munn Shares Her Secrets to Maintaining Her Smokin' Body

SOURCE| FoxNews.com
Munn told Editor Claire Connors that she and her friends keep in shape by creating exercises inspired by ex-boyfriends bad dance moves.
"I came up with dance aerobic routines that we do a few times a week to a 45-minute playlist," she told Shape. "They have funny names like the One-Night-Stand and the Ex-Boyfriend. We all have that ex with the stupid dance who we love to hate, right? Mine did the jumping-up-and-down-fist-pump-in-the-air-with-an-overexcited-smile-plastered-on-his-face dance. It's so much more fun than the alternative workouts my friends plan. They always ask me if I want to go for a hike. And I'm like, 'No, why would I do that when I’ve got TiVo?'"

The star of the brand new movie, "I Don't Know How She Does It" insists that you can stay in shape without a trainer, a gym or sneakers. Munn swears by Pilates which she has been doing for years. And for when he has the munchies, instead of reaching for potato chips, her go to snack is Vlasic Kosher Pickles because she says "they're a perfect fit for stress-eating" and the vinegar works as an appetite suppressant.
She also told Shape about her "If I can't see it, I don't eat it" diet which helped her lose 16 pounds in two months!
"For example, if you buy a roasted chicken at the store, it sounds healthy, right? But those brown juices in the pan are made of what? Sugar? Soy sauce? If I don’t know for sure, it’s not going in my mouth."
She also shared with Shape how important it is for women to perform monthly self-breast exams.
"I perform a self-exam every month," she told Shape. "If you don’t keep an eye on your body and its changes, how can you expect a doctor to do it once or twice a year? Take care of your body: It's the one thing that will be with you on this entire journey, from beginning to end.  I was only 12 years old when my grandmother found out she had breast cancer. I remember thinking it was a death sentence. But she had a mastectomy and survived—and lived many wonderful years longer. She taught me that we fight to live and feel and love, and that you can't let one experience define your existence."
You can pick up Shape's October issue on national newsstands September 19th.


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