16 Sept 2011

Why Diesel is still a sex symbol

WHO else can celebrate their silver jubilee and still be called a sex symbol?
Mark Lizotte, who's better known as Diesel, is currently touring with latest album Under The Influence.
The album is dedicated to his musical heroes, which includes his brother-in-law, grandad rocker Jimmy Barnes with whom he's already collaborated and might do more in the future.
Jimmy can be heard on Diesel's latest album.

There's his very distinct vocal you can hear on there," Diesel says. "It's just something that happens naturally. The first thing I remember feeling was I was really proud of a song, writing it for (Jimmy) and presenting it to him for his Flesh And Wood album and he really loved it."
That song is, of course, Still Got a Long Way To Go.
"It's nice to be part of his music," Diesel adds. "Growing up, Cold Chisel was such an influence on me in school so it's nice to give something back."
Jimmy sings on Diesel's track Have Love, Will Travel. As for that sex symbol thing, Diesel doesn't believe the hype.
"If it makes people come to the show, just out of intrigue or some kind of vague whatever ... if it makes them want to come and introduce them to the music, I won't complain," he says.
Diesel will be coming full circle when he performs in Adelaide. He credits our city with helping a lot of great musicians start out.
"It's a good town for music, without a doubt," Diesel says. "It really likes its music so I'm happy to be part of that sort of legacy ... I feel like Adelaide has watched me grow up."
Under The Influence is out now.


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