24 Oct 2011

Why Men Act Strangely After 40

People are born, they grow up and they eventually die. This is an inevitable fact of life. Every age has a beauty of its own. It would be impossible and against the force of nature for people between the ages of 45 and 65 to act and have the performance of people who are in their 20s or 30s. We can see from recently published articles that women who are between the ages of 45 and 65 have superior bodily functions, sexual impulses and thought capabilities in comparison to men of the same age. We believe these are pointless studies -- the body has a certain way of operating at every age. Your brain is what controls every organ in your body as well as your memory, mind and thoughts. 
So, how does the middle-aged man's brain work?
This age range is the most productive period in life for men and women. The body is completely developed and is now stable. The brain has also reached its top functioning and capacity level. However, due to the lack of hormones like testosterone and androgen (to name a few) the functions and capacity of the brain start to regress in time. High blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases caused by genetics or environmental conditions also speed up this regression process. 
Sexual impulses -- the symbol of your manhood -- and sexual capacity also start to regress. This organic process is usually denied by the person suffering from the effects -- they try to prove otherwise. Some men divert these feelings into success, ambition, religion, sports, new hobbies, or otherwise. Subconsciously, they want to prove that their sexual impulses and performance are still the same. The reason behind all of this is that just like organs, the brain starts to wear down and the hormone responsible for your "manhood" is no longer being produced as much.
The other way men try to prove their manhood and sexual impulses is to flirt with younger women. On some levels this is acceptable; however, sometimes it gets out of control. Lusting after younger women when you're in your 40s means that you're quickly going to get the nickname of "creepy old man" and it usually brings on stereotypes of problems at home and in the "old man's" social life. Having a young obsession might change this man's style, his eating habits, his social behavior, etc. And these changes might look silly to everyone else but him.
Unfortunately, these men (the creepy old men lusting after young women) will talk about how happy they are and how good their sexual life is any opportunity they get. However, this is a big fat lie! This is an attempt to resist the forces of nature. We should not forget this fact: If you want to pay attention to (and sleep with) multiple women who are younger than you (much younger), try and do so in secret. Due to hormones, men are more prone to multiple sexual relationships with more than one partner. Women who deny that are only deceiving themselves.
Does this rut happen to every middle-aged man?
No matter how much a man loves his wife, his attraction to the opposite sex never ends. Sometimes, married men will act on these attraction impulses, while others will try to hide it (think American Beauty). The problem in middle age and older men is that if they act on these impulses they usually do so too often and it exposes them as the "creepy old men." The change in sex hormone secretion does not affect sexual impulses, but it does affect sexual performance. Sexual performance is the icon for power in men. No matter what the social and economical status of a man, his sexual power is more important than anything else. Men start to think they will lose their sexual power when they are middle-aged, therefore, they want to be with as many women as possible while they have some time left.
Men over 40 will try to do everything they didn’t get the chance to do during their younger years. In this phase, they don’t have to worry about social, career or economical problems, thus, they can reach their goals more easily. Even though they deny it, being middle-aged makes men more outgoing and they want to spend as much time as they can having sex. Sometimes this situation grows too big and becomes an obsession. When the habit becomes an obsession, society will start to criticize. Unfortunately, these men should see a therapist immediately. Middle-aged men are also known to suffer from erection difficulties and prostate troubles that can lead to depression, which should also be treated by a physician and/or therapist.
How does the middle-aged man's brain work?
God gave women sexual impulses by making them fertile and giving them the gift of motherhood. The combination of both made men chase after them. Between the ages of 45 and 55 women lose the ability to give birth. Estrogen, progesterone and the other female hormones start to decrease, and this has a negative effect on women. Losing their fertility and problems with secretion of certain hormones brings a lot of problems to the table. However, as bad as it might be for women to deal with menopause and hormonal changes, this phase is much harder for men.
The decreasing of hormone secretion will bring on hot flushes, heart palpitations and sweating as well as affecting her brain biochemistry. Extreme anger, perturbation, depression symptoms, and a decrease in self-confidence is also often seen in women going through these hormonal changes. The changes that come with this age range and hormones might make women falsely accuse their male partners of not appreciating them -- and will often withhold or threaten to withhold sex. At the same time, if men go through the same problems things can get out of hand. Middle-aged women should not forget this: The reason middle-aged men act strangely and cheat is not because they don’t love their wives; it's because they are depressed and they feel the need to prove they are still alive and can perform well in bed.
Do middle-aged women also go through this sexual rut?
Only fertility ends with menopause. Women will not see a change in their sexual impulses -- especially not a downturn in the impulse department as there is no longer a chance of pregnancy, thus, sex can be enjoyed more freely. The primary emotions in women are to be liked physically and spiritually. Hence, women are not likely to have multiple partners. Depending on their characters, they will seek men they can connect with mentally and physically. 
The hormonal and physical changes bring about disfavored feelings in women. This is why some women want to look younger, and they will try almost anything to accomplish that goal. The most effective way women look younger is to undergo plastic surgery. It is completely normal to fix disliked parts of the body with surgery. Simple procedures can make these previously self-conscious women more attractive, but if they panic and go under the knife countless times they will end up with deformed bodies. There is also the chance that women will act like teenagers in an attempt to be perceived as younger by the outside world; this will only bring ridicule from society. However, this is only caused by the change of brain biochemistry -- women experience a loss of judgment during their middle-aged years.
middle age advice
The middle age period is the most mature time for men and women.
By keeping our brains young we can keep ourselves from meaningless behaviors, control our organs and rule our bodies.
How can we keep our brain young?
Just like every other organ, our brain gets its stability from our genes. However, keeping our brain capacity running at a maximum rate and protecting it from diseases and a loss of memory is something we can improve on. Here’s what we can do about it:
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy: During your middle age years, stay away from animal products and live on fresh fruits and vegetables. For meat, choose fish or organic chicken. Salt and sugar should be kept to a minimum.
  • Decrease your workload at the office and use time management properly to stay away from stress. For this you should increase holidays and take trips often.
  • Read a lot of books, solve crossword puzzles, play music, paint, or take on similar hobbies. This will always keep your mind fit. 


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