31 Oct 2011

Wii U to be shown at E3 2012, Nintendo says

After a disappointing earnings report Thursday, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata laid down a little more bad news: Nintendo won’t be showing off its Wii U console until E3 2012, the annual video game conference.
Recognizing that this was less-than-ideal news for gamers, Iwata pointed to the company’s launch of the 3DS as a reason that the company is taking it slow.
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“As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch,” Iwata said in comments following the earnings report.
The company forecast its first loss in 30 years, Bloomberg reported, after being forced to slash the price of its 3DS handheld gaming device due to poor sales. Iwata told investors in April that customers didn’t quite understand the “value” of the 3DS and its glassless technology, CNET reported — a disconnect that Nintendo could definitely see again as it hawks the tablet controller of the Wii U.
While perhaps innovative, the Wii U tablet doesn’t appear all that intuitive and it could prove difficult for third-party developers to figure out how to effectively use the extra screen.
Despite projecting the loss, Iwata’s comments sounded upbeat about this year’s holiday season, saying that the company has a strong lineup of games and is working with third-party developers to continue them throughout the next year. That last part, at least, is good news for Nintendo fans — no matter how devoted — who may find their patience wearing thin with the normal cast of characters.


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