25 Nov 2011

Valkee headset shines light to dispel seasonal depression

It is common knowledge that our surroundings do affect us when it comes to our moods – and plenty of people do get depressed or feel generally down whenever the winter season sets in and gets a foothold of the situation. Well, there were light therapy situations in the past, but this time around we have another method of uplifting your mood through the use of the Valkee headset. This device will channel bright light using your ear canal into your brain’s photosensitive areas, as a measure to effective prevent and treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
So far, initial trials have proved to be rather successful, where up to 92% of the patients who suffer from SAD achieving full remission after a daily Valkee dose of anywhere from eight to a dozen minutes. Who would have thought that shining light into one’s ear canal could help treat depression? Well, the Valkee headset has been around for slightly more than a year already, but just in case you are not aware of its existence and might want to sought for external help, head on here. 


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