16 Nov 2011

Weird but helpful/This Robot stops people from snoring

Robot Jukusui-kun meaning “Deep Sleep.”
Snoring can be a real pain for couples, and in particular the person who isn’t snoring. There are a number of remedies to stop snoring including oral strips, mouth guards, special pillows, and those nose strips that are meant to help keep your airways open.
In Japan, they have come up with a much more advanced solution that takes the form of a robotic polar bear pillow.
This is definitely a case of “only in Japan,” but if it does stop someone snoring then I think many a husband or wife would welcome this bear into the bedroom with open arms.
The polar bear pillow is officially called Jukusui-kun, which translates to mean “Deep Sleep.” It is aimed at sleep apnea sufferers, and monitors the person sleeping with their head on its belly through a pulse-oxygen meter worn on their wrist, a conductive sheet underneath the bed sheets to remove the need for wires on or around the sleeper, and microphones located inside the bear.
The sleeper’s vital stats are fed into the system before sleep occurs. The microphone monitors the loudness of snoring, while the wrist monitor keeps an eye on oxygen in the blood. As that oxygen level falls the level of snoring increases, at which point the bear goes into action and tickles the sleeper’s face gently with its arm. The aim of this action is to get the person to turn and at least decrease or even stop the snoring, but at the same time doing so without waking them up.
The Deep Sleep system is the creation of Dr. Kabe from Wasaeda University in Japan. It was put on display at the International Robot Exhibition 2011 currently underway in Tokyo.


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