14 Oct 2011

Apple Magic Mouse/Review

Price: $69
Official Site: Apple.com
Specs: Bluetooth connectivity; 2 AA batteries; Supports multi-touch interaction
Company: Apple Corporation

Overshadowed somewhat by other product announcements such as the revamped iMac and Mac mini during Apple's most recent press bonanza, the newly released Magic Mouse might remind consumers of the company's handling of the AppleTV.
Despite being ahead of its time in terms of pushing levels of innovation in the world of desktop interaction, significant usability issues and limitations hold the Magic Mouse back from receiving the exuberant praise many assume products by Apple deserve by default.
While its multitouch support does, in some ways, mimic the intuitive convenience of the track pads found in newer unibody Macbooks and Macbook Pros, it is not as clean of a translation as we would have hoped. Thus we strongly encourage potential buyers to spend some time test driving the device at the Apple Store before deciding to ditch their current Mighty Mouse or other device just for the sake of upgrading.
In what has come to be Apple's trademark, the Magic Mouse's minimalist design is quite beautiful from an aesthetics standpoint, especially compared to the black plastic lumps opposite most desktops. Featuring a single, clear white plastic surface sitting on an aluminum chassis, it's obvious that much of Apple's expertise on unibody construction went into making the Magic Mouse the most attractive device of its kind.
However, unlike other products from the company, attractiveness in this instance has come at the cost of ergonomics and ease of use. Barely curved and quite narrow, those used to mice designed to contour naturally and comfortably with the hand will be severely disappointed with how awkward the Magic Mouse can feel, especially after long periods of use.
In terms of multitouch interaction, scrolling is one area where the technology really makes sense. Simple flicks up and down with any number of fingers make quick scans of web sites a snap, while “momentum” settings enable the mouse to scroll faster or slower based on the speed of your flick. A single finger flick to either side can even be used to move left or right across a page as well.

Using two-finger swipes horizontally to navigate back and forth between web pages is a different story entirely. Due to the need to use two fingers, recommended as the middle and index by Apple, browsing back and forth in this manner requires a claw like grip that is utterly impractical for extended use. Combined with the mouse’s narrow size and smooth glossy texture, obtaining a firm grip is also somewhat of a problem, resulting in frequent slips of the hand. Additionally the device does not support the nifty pinch and spread zooming options that made the iPhone’s touchscreen so exciting after its release.
Finally, since the mouse uses standard laser technology for tracking, those hoping to operate the device on shiny surfaces such as glass or highly varnished wood without a mouse pad are out of luck. Though admittedly that’s a small quibble, considering the outstanding tracking advancements made by Microsoft and Logitech, it would have been nice to see Apple embrace something other than the status quo.
As a company continually looking to push the envelope, we applaud Apple’s efforts to integrate its amazing gesture commands into the desktop environment. Unfortunately in this initial go, several serious issues prevent the Magic Mouse from hitting a product home run. Though it integrates easily with compatible iMacs via Bluetooth and to some may at least improve upon its Mighty Mouse predecessor, especially for those who are used to life without buttons, some fundamental design issues keep the device from living up to its magical name -- so much so that we wouldn’t be surprised if an improved version was released within the next couple of years. With that in mind, unless you have to own every new Apple product to hit store shelves, we’d recommend waiting for the second generation before going out of your way to bring multitouch gesture operations to your deskbound Mac.


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