20 Nov 2011

Throw Them All Out by Peter Schweizer/Review

Peter Schweizer (Author)
One of the biggest scandals in American politics is waiting to explode: the full story of the inside game in Washington shows how the permanent political class enriches itself at the expense of the rest of us. Insider trading is illegal on Wall Street, yet it is routine among members of Congress. Normal individuals cannot get in on IPOs at the asking price, but politicians do so routinely. The Obama administration has been able to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to its supporters, ensuring yet more campaign donations. An entire class of investors now makes all of its profits based on influence and access in Washington. Peter Schweizer has doggedly researched through mountains of financial records, tracking complicated deals and stock trades back to the timing of briefings, votes on bills, and every other point of leverage for politicians in Washington. The result is a manifesto for revolution: the Permanent Political Class must go.
About the Author
Peter Schweizer is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. From 2008-9 he served as a consultant to the White House Office of Presidential Speechwriting and he is a former consultant to NBC News.  He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, National Review, Foreign Affairs, and elsewhere. His books include The Bushes, Reagan's War, and Do as I Say, Not as I Do.

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade (November 15, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0547573146
ISBN-13: 978-0547573144 
Genre : Politics & Social sciences

The Permanent Political Class is far more patriotic and intelligent than lazy Americans!,
By Hassan Z. Brockovich Sr.
In this revolutionary tome, the author boldly establishes that all average Americans--members of the military, moms and dads, those in the boy scouts--are all inferior in comparison to the elites in the political class of both parties...and I wholeheartedly agree. Schweizer has meticulously researched all the evidence, which is why I agree with him totally.

According to his earth-crushing investigation, the permanent political class is in power in Washington, D.C., because average Americans are all just lazy, stupid and unmotivated, while the political class is savvy, aggressive and very ambitious. I could not agree more; after all, how can you explain that the political class keeps lying to the average voter...yet the average voter keeps sending them back every election cycle to Washington, D.C., to screw them over some more?!?!? This groundbreaking research should be on everyone's Kindle, I dare say!

What I find particularly eye-opening is the persuasive power of Schweizer's argument. He says that the political class deserves to be in power because they have the deviousness to stay there. I couldn't agree more because the political class is so intelligent that they--get this!--compel CEOs to let them buy lucrative shares in IPOs at very low prices in exchange for passing favorable legislation for those CEOs! And all the while, the stupid idiot people of America--that would be you and me who have a 9 to 5 job, worship God and like to go to a ballgame every now and then--just carry on with their ignorance-is-bliss lives while the political class keeps enriching their wealth, power and influence in this way!! Genius...simply genius!
After being shellshocked by reading this, I have to agree with the thesis of Schweizer. The majority of Americans who is not among the permanent political class in Washington, D.C., is simply stupid and deserves to be poor and struggling. Conversely, I also believe in the author's words praising this same political class as the smartest and brightest of America. After all, they are the ones who are in power, have all the money and keep conniving with other rich people to permanently keep the 99% of us all down, poor and ignorant! All hail the permanent political class in this country!


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