24 Sept 2011

Take No Farewell by Robert Goddard /Book Review

Robert Goddard (Author)
Paperback: 576 pages
Publisher: Corgi (September 5, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0552164526
ISBN-13: 978-0552164528

"Don't, I implore you, read the last pages first, for you'll spoil the book's best surprise if you do."
Sunday Press, Dublin

"His narrative power, strength of characterisation and superb plots, plus the ability to convey the atmosphere of the period quite brilliantly, make him compelling reading."

Library Journal Review
These productions of Goddard's suspense-filled novels are equally well read by Paul Shelley (Take No Farewell) and Michael Kitchen (Painting the Darkness). Both readers skillfully portray ordinary middle-class British professional men who are caught in circumstances beyond their abilities to cope. Driven to take any risk to save their loved ones, they act out of impulse, not intelligence, often with unfortunate results. Take No Farewell centers around a cad, Geoffrey Staddon, who left Consuela, the love of his life, in an abusive marriage so that he could shine as an architect in proper Edwardian England. Years later when Consuela is charged with murder and her daughter appeals to him for help, he realizes that he can redeem himself at least in his own eyes and, in an unexpected twist, even in Consuela's. William Trenchard of Painting the Darkness is threatened when his wife's first love, believed dead, reappears to claim his inheritance and Mrs. Trenchard. Trenchard fights with all his heart, but, unfortunately, his skills are not equal to those of his enemy's. Goddard is known for his intricate plot twists and ability to keep the listener intensely involved to the last sentence. Shelley and Kitchen are fine readers, modulating their voices and accents to differentiate characters and adapting their pacing to reflect the mood of the scene. Both recordings are recommended for popular collections.

Another Great One from Goddard
By  Mary Ingram (Asheville, NC)
First , please be aware that this b ook has also been published under the title, "Debt and Dishonour". I bought both books not bothering to read the description under both before purchase so now I have two of t he same book. Geoffrey Staddon, prominent architect has been commissioned to build an estate for Victor Caswell and his beautiful Brazilian bride, Consuelo. The estate is called, Clouds Fromme and seemingly was absolutely breathtaking in its beauty but dark clouds form to take away what was to be
much happiness for Victor and Consuelo. Geoffrey fell in love with Consuelo. Some years later Geoffrey was married to another and read in the newspaper where Consuelo had been charged with the murder of her husband's neice and attempted murder of her husband. You can imagine; Geoffrey has to get involved and help Consuelo as he doesnt believe she is guilty. Goddard is probably the fastest plot changer on earth. He literally keeps you guessing until the last page. Most of his books you might as well not plan on doing anything important as it will be awfully hard to put this book down.


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