16 Sept 2011

TOP 10 Glowing Sea Creatures

Queen Angelfish
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
Photographer Brandi Irwin uses special lighting on night dives to capture otherworldly photos of sea creatures that fluoresce, including fish, coral and sea slugs.
Red and Green
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
A light similar to a black light plus a special camera filter bring out colors not visible to the naked eye.

Glowing Coral
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
Many of Irwin's photos are taken in the Caribbean, but she is planning a dive trip in Asian waters this fall.
Anemone Dance
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
The fluorescing anemones are among the stars of a New York Aquarium show, opening August 5, of Irwin's work.
All coiled up
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
An octopus peers out from the tangle of its legs. "I will come to the surface with whatever the ocean gives me," Irwin told LiveScience. "It's unpredictable down there."

Frilly Slug 

Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
A lettuce sea slug.

Bristle Worm
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
A bristle worm glows green. Irwin's dives take place on moonlit nights.

Seahorse Meeting 

Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
Two seahorses photographed by Irwin.

Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
Sometimes black and white is more striking. Here, a stingray approaches a shipwreck.
Sunflowers of the Deep
Credit: Brandi Irwin, Liquid Film Photography
And sometimes the colors are riotous, as with these sunflower-like anemones.


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